Human rights, including the rights of women and LGBTIQ+ people, are recognized in international treaties that Chile has ratified and that are in force. In this sense, there are international commitments that cannot be ignored. This was recognized in the “Agreement for Social Peace and the New Constitution”. For example, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women or the Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women "Belém do Pará". We have to be able to propose, explain and clearly establish the scope of the opening of national law to international law; the position that treaties occupies internally; and the ability to invoke them directly before a Chilean court; and the value of jurisprudence emanating from international courts. The philosophy on which the ideals of freedom and equality that sustain some modern democracies rest is that of the liberalism of the “Enlightenment”, which visualized an abstra...
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